Friday, June 26, 2009


I am pretty behind with our blog. Wow......let's see....we spent 16 days in Florida with family and friends. It really was a wonderful trip. While there, we spent 4 days in Daytona on the Beach. Now that, was wonderful. Amber has been able to spend some quality time with her Daddy and her two little sisters while in Florida. I know she has enjoyed this. Fred and I got back to Georgia on the 23rd of June. Amber decided to stay back and continue to spend time with her Dad. She is getting pretty homesick now. Mom and Dad are coming to our place for the 4th next weekend and will bring her home then. In the meantime, Fred and I are enjoying some alone time and making our list for all our little "HGTV projects" around the house.

We returned from Florida, only to find out that our stove is malfunctioning and releasing carbon monoxide. So, the debate is on as to fix it or replace it. Again, HGTV has many kitchen ideas, so my best bet is that it will get replaced! I have grown to hate stainless steel. Considering all our appliances are just that, getting a new black/electrical stove sounds really nice. We are painting Amber's room and bathroom FINALLY this weekend, so I'm excited to see how that turns out.

Summer is flying by too quick. I don't think I'm really ready for Amber to be an 8th grader!!!!! She is growing up way too fast. As she blossoms into a teenager, I truly enjoy being a mother. Of course, we all enjoy it when they are babies, but now, as challenging as it is at times, she offers Fred and I so much. She is such a unique individual and such a sweet young lady who has grown to love the Lord! What more could a mother desire for her daughter. I'm confident as we embark on this next chapter in her life as a maturing teenager, she'll hold tight to her faith in God and make all the right decisions.

Going to sign off for now and try to get some work done around the house. Good Evening!

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