Tuesday, January 22, 2013

He Chose Me....

Sometimes I feel like I am running a marathon! In the words of Kate, from John and Kate Plus 8...this may be a crazy life, but it's our life...

Over the past month, yes one month, here is a glimpse into "our life". We have pulled off 2 birthday parties in one weekend, Gracie had tubes placed in her ears, we celebrated Christmas and New Years, EVERYONE in our house has had an upper respiratory infection, I was seen for suspected kidney stone which turned out to be an infection, and William had a tonsilectomy and adnoid removal.

I must say, I never get bored.

Gracie's tubes are doing what they were placed to do and she is doing fabulous. She started the 1's room at preschool and has already begun learning sign language. We could not be more blessed to have the two little ones at such a wonderful Christian preschool where they are learning so much. The other day while eating yogurt, I asked Gracie if she was "all done"...she can say this. Waiting for her to repeat it back to me she shook her head no and said more while signing. I was speechless (yes, I have those moments). With a smile, she knew exactly what she meant and did indeed eat another yogurt. She continues to keep us on our toes. She is constantly on the move and has learned how to aggravate her brother by snatching his toys, poking him, and pulling him down by his shirt. She has also learned to say "Ambu"..Amber...and when Amber enters a room you will know she has arrived because Gracie will gladly announce it! She adores Amber, and Amber adores her just as much. I am often frozen in time as I reflect on her journey and her testimony. I cannot wait for her to share God's love through her testimony as she grows up.

William is recovering. I hate seeing him so sickly. He is also so active and constantly on the go. However, this has knocked him to his feet and he tries so hard to get up and play but only lasts about 5 minutes before telling me "I tired mommy". I must say I have certainly enjoyed all the snuggles!!! I'm sure within another week he will be back to making us smile with his precious smile. He is just such a sweetheart! The night after surgery we were in the hospital room and he had gas really bad from the anesthesia. Every time he would "poot" he would say excuse me in this sweet little painful cracking voice.

Amber continues to keep us moving. I think she is slowly overcoming her "fear" of driving and hopefully will begin driving soon. She is looking forward to D-Now in February and then a big summer with the youth at church. As it stands now she will be in Orlando, San Franciso, and Georgia. So needless to say, her summer will be action packed with so much time to share God's love to so many!

It has been a constant struggle juggling work and managing all the doctor appointments with all the kids and their schedules. However, I have no regrets. I'm so blessed to have a career that does give me a great working schedule. In addition, the babies are learning so much at their preschool. As I stated earlier, we have been so abundantly blessed to have been able to have them at A Child's Academy where they learn so much academically, but also at a preschool that is founded and grounded in our Faith. This is the same preschool Amber attended as well!

So I just shared a glimpse into our "crazy life". Before ending my post I want to share a more personal thought. I know how "cheezy" it sounds, but through all the busyness, doctors, surgeries, and sleepless nights with sick babies, I feel so blessed to be able to still look to my husband with so much love. In today's society, with so many marriages falling to divorce, I consider us very blessed. After the past few years, it would have been so easy to just give up on us. So much of "us" has been devoted to our children in the midst of challenges we have faced. However, we have stood true to our vows and have allowed God to work through every situation in the lives of our children, the lives of us as parents, and in our marriage. Because of this, we are happier today than we have ever been.

If you are reading my blog, and find yourself at a crossroads in your marriage, please stop and reflect on life before the "craziness" that has brought you to the crossroads you find yourself. Often in life we are dealt a hand we don't ask for. We are presented with challenges we could certainly live without. However, trust His plan for you and trust that He knows your every second and your every breath. Use these times to grow. Become a better you, a better friend, a better mom, a better wife, and most importantly a better Christian.

I'm so far from perfect, but I continue to strive each day to become better than I was the day before. I look at my precious family and am reminded of His love for me. I am reminded He chose me to mother Amber at only 17. He chose me to be William's mommy, and humbled that he chose me to show the world how true He is by being Gracie's mommy. So today, trust that He has chosen you for something Big, something Special, something for Him.

Have a great week!

With Love,