Monday, July 19, 2010

Changes Coming!

I am now 33 weeks pregnant! It is so hard to believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone by. We are so excited to welcome William into our family. We are now on weekly visits with both our OB and Specialist to continue to monitor me and William. We have completed his nursery, purchased the stroller/carseat, and washed his clothes. In addition, our bags are packed for that trip to the hospital. As we prepare for William, we also prepare for Amber to begin high school.

I cannot believe my "baby" will be in high school. Time flies, and often, quicker than we ever wanted. Although we couldn't be more proud of her and confident in who she is becoming, I am still saddened by watching her grow up. I know she'll do magnificent in high school, but she'll always be my baby. She continues to follow God in all she does, and that alone, gives me a peace that nothing else could give me.

I am breezing through my doctorate program. LOL....I guess more like treading through on a gravel road at times. Although it hasn't become too challenging yet, time management is my greatest challenge.

I'll continue to post updates as we near William's arrival and Amber's first days of high school.

With Love,